Saturday, December 10, 2011

Being a good parent

I express little emotion. Ever. I think I'm missing that switch.

But an odd thing happened recently. I was watching Zombieland with my stepdaughter, and at one point my eyes welled up. I know what people are thinking right now. Yes I just admitted to "crying". To be technical, a tear did try to run down my face. It only made it out of my eye because I blinked. Yes this event also happened during a comedy. Yes this took place during a zombie movie.

Look. It got to me because it discussed the bond between a father and son. I didn't have that with my dad (although we are working on it). I do have it with my son now. He means the world to me. Spending time with him makes everything ok.

I don't see this quality in most guys. Most of the people I know try to dump their kids off any chance they get. I can't fathom that.

Being a parent isn't "hard", it just requires dedication. What makes a parent good is how much they show their love. Parents have to want to be with their kids. They have to spend time, sacrifice, discipline, protect, reward, teach, help, guide.

Spending time is what counts. Most parents get distracted by believing their kids have to turn out a certain way. Don't get caught in this trap. What matters is that your offspring know that they mean the world to you. Love and respect them for the individual they are. Take an interest in what they do. Make an effort to spend time with them. Make sacrifices to spoil them. Give a shit.

Actually, most relationships in life will improve with caring. Now that I think about it...

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